Spiffy makes it quick and simple to add required Terms, Marketing consent and/or Privacy Policy checkboxes to your checkout.
These items may be required if you live in a country that requires your pages to be GDPR compliant.
To add any or all of these checkboxes, just navigate to the editor for your checkout, and add the Terms and Conditions Options Block.
To Edit your Terms & Conditions text, just click on the Terms & Conditions element in the left-hand settings panel to reveal the simple text editor, as well as the “Scrollbox” style & “Required” options.
Terms & Conditions are set to required by default.
To require buyers to scroll to the bottom of your Terms & Conditions before accepting, enable the “Enforce scroll to bottom” checkbox option with the Scollbox style.
If you would like to enable separate Privacy Policy or Marketing Consent checkboxes, just click ‘Enable’ under the settings for the needed options.
If you are including the Marketing Consent (GDPR) checkbox, you can set up an account-level integration automation to trigger when a customer checks the box on a checkout.
This global automation trigger can be found in Settings > Automation